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The KRS USB handheld CNC control system. Use with any PC based CNC system. Great for CAMaster, Shop Bot, Shop Sabre, EZ Router The KRS USB handheld CNC control system. Use with any PC based CNC system. Great for CAMaster, Shop Bot, Shop Sabre, EZ Router
TDS-A-20 - 20 Button Aluminum CNC Control Keypad
List Price: $150.00
USRT Price: $135.00
Deal of the Day Price: $120.00
Save $30.00!
TDS-A-30 - 30 Button Aluminum CNC Control Keypad
List Price: $175.00
USRT Price: $150.00
Save $25.00!
The KRS TDS-A-20 20 Button CNC Control Pad is built to last. Just like the Nylon model but tougher The KRS 30 button keypad is the perfect solution for CNC's with a 4th axis, or for the guys that like to have
more control at the machine. The 30 button keypad is also made with an aluminum housing for a more
industrial feel and weight.